A friend recently told me about a lie detector test he voluntarily took, to proceed further in his job. It was not necessary for the job he had, but if he wanted to earn more money he had to take the test. He deals with investments, so he is sometimes responsible for information worth a lot of money, therefore, he must be trusted. The test took place over two days, the doctor examining him had 25 years experience using a polygraph. My friend told me about all the different pieces of machinery attached to him; a clip on his finger to measure heart rate,one to measure perspiration. A contraption across his chest which measured breathing rate, and a sensor pad on his seat to detect any tiny unusual movement. I found it fascinating, not exactly the question of 'truth' and 'trust' but the attachment of wires and synapses to the human body. And the fact that this machine was painstakingly designed in the first place, and it still, in 2011, takes 2 days to conduct the test. I am interested in the apparent delicacy of the human body's slight changes influencing this incredible machine, the any other machines that attach to the body, hospital equipment, intravenous drips, dialysis machines...
Jefferson's Polygraph
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